Faith & Life Inquiry

“…Children themselves have a perspective on faith and religion.  They are not ‘by nature’ incompetent concerning ‘religion’. Children can also think about religion and they experience it often in their own ways that are not necessarily less ‘good’ than the adult way.  The ‘theology’ developed by children is worth taking seriously and studying as such. Children can be a ‘source of revelation’. They can arouse and deepen spiritual insights”.          Annemie Dillen 2007

“Mother Teresa Catholic Primary School has been on a journey over the past seven years to further explore the recommendations of the Enhancing Catholic School Identity Project (ECSIP) specifically the Victorian data and in recent times our own learning community’s data. Each year we have engaged further in linking the theory to practice.

Within our learning community since 2009 we have developed what we have named: Faith and Life Inquiry.  This model is a Foundation- Year 6 approach and links Religious Education with other areas of the curriculum in a seamless way. This model includes a whole school scripture ensuring the sacred text is central to learning.  Our Faith and Life Inquiry approach is part of our attempt to explore the Hermeneutical Communicative Dialogue (Belgian) Model in an Australian Context.

This way of learning requires openness to dialogue about faith. The development of a Culture of Thinking (CoT) and a Community of Inquiry ensures student voice is promoted.  It is our belief that this is crucial to enabling students to have a voice and be able to theologise, to articulate their wonderings and to make discoveries.   A Culture of Thinking and Community of Inquiry provide the scaffold to bring about dialogue”. © C. Reed 2016

We continue to be inspired by the research and academic works of Professor Didier Pollefeyt, Professor Annemie Dillen and Professor Reimund Bieringer. The depth of their scholarship has provided our learning community with the time and opportunity to engage in professional dialogue so as to bring about excellence in Catholic education.